Happy Women's day?
Woman everywhere rejoice, there is a day dedicated to us, but this time its not for being a mother, or a wife/girlfriend but for being a woman. As much as I am a fan of all the fancy woman's day celebration, which we totally deserve, I am appalled every year by the fuss made for this day. Why is that companies celebrate this day by sending out flowers or chocolates to woman rather than giving them equal pay. Why does society go all gaga for woman on this day but the rest of the year they don't let their sisters go out after 9 pm, sit back and blame the neighbour's daughter's dress sense for all things bad that happened to her and expect their working wives to cook for them every single day? I'm not saying do not celebrate this day, I am saying this day should be everyday. Every day we women should be getting the same opportunities and equal rights on the home and work front. We are woman, so what, we are humans first and every human deserves to dream and s