
The year that was.. (10 worst Resolutions)

The year is ending in two days and we can feel the excitement in the air. Most of us are busy planning our new years eve, where to party (by now I'm sure you have a place picked out), what to wear, how to do your make up, hats, tie, bowtie? With all these 'life altering' decisions to make, we forget how important  it is to look back at the year that was.

We have been taught not to live in the past, but that doesn't mean we cant look back and see what all we achieved or lost this year, have we made new friends or put all our efforts in maintaining old relationships. Have we done any good in the world, fulfilled our duties and responsibilities? Have you lied to get out of situations or owned up to everything you've done? Has someone shed a tear because of you or have you succeeded in spreading an honest smile? There are hundreds of questions I can ask you, but it is time to ask yourself, what have you done this past year?

When each year passes one thing that many people do is make new, new year resolutions or simply remake the old ones, this is a fad that will never go away. So go on make them, but before you do, think about what you have left behind in 2013 and how you plan to make your mark on 2014.

Before we move lets have a look at my list of the '10 Worst New Year's Resolution'

Counting down from number 10..
10. I will shop less (Its a good thing you are admitting you might have a shopping problem, only way you can do is by getting help or cutting up all your cards and going out without money!)
9. I will come out of the closet (if its taken you this long to accept who you are, chances are you are still in doubt)
8. I will save more money (if you use words like fd, mutual funds, savings, interest rate, bonds and policies in your daily life, then I believe you, for the rest of you get familiar with the meanings of these words and you may just have a chance)
7. I will learn a new language (pretend/made up languages don't count nor does learning profanity, good luck!)
6. I will listen to others (you head is forever going LA LA LA LA when others talk, and once they find out, they are not going to like you very much, so actully try abd listen followed by comprehending
5. I am going to exercise (get off your screen and take a walk! Take the stairs and leave your car at home, now that's real exercise!)
4. I will be on time (if you are Indian, stop joking and make a serious resolution, for the rest of you, maybe if set every clock in your house two hours before time, you might just make it on time)
3. I'm gonna quit smoking (If you smoke you are you definitely not my friend, but good luck lying to yourself)
2. I am going to stop drinking.. HA! (if you really wanted to you would be at AA right now)
1. I'm going to go on a diet! (Face it people, this never ever happens!!)

There you have the 10 worst resolutions of all times, according to me, but as well all know, millions will be making them in two days, so all the best to those guys!

While 2013 was a great year for me (maybe because I dint make any resolutions), I still have some thinking of my own to do, to judge the year one last time, before stepping into a new time of my life. So I will leave you here to think about the year that we are going to bid adieu to and in the mean time also wish you Happy Holidays and a very Happy New year!!

P.S. Good Karma is never a bad thing.


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