
The Weekend that was...

The Long weekend is over and we are back to Sunday, (for those who don't live here, Sunday is the start of the work week, instead of Monday).  Israa Wal Mairaj the ascension of Prophet Mohammad fell on Thursday June 6, making it a much welcomed long weekend. Generally on weekends I head to the Garden city of Al Ain, basking in the glory of all things nature, but for many reasons I was held back in Dubai this weekend. So what did Dubai have to offer this weekend?

I started Thursday with one of my favourite pastimes, SHOPPING! Though shopping is relaxing and entertaining at the same time, the weekend rush does not make it easy. I visited a standalone retail store, which on any other day would be deserted, but this Thursday was packed. I am fine with waiting for an empty trial room in the women's section, lets face it we women try a lot of clothes! What I was not fine is the almost 40 minute long que at the payment counter. Its ironically how we wait in line to actually give away our hard earned money. After being totally exhausted after shopping for just five things, I headed to a famous (stand alone) pizza place, and decided on take away being the best option. This place is always slow so the weekend was no surprise.

Bananas in Pyjamas at MOE
Friday was more of a family day and the start of the Dubai Summer Surprises (DSS). With my little nephew in tow  we headed to the Mall of the Emirates (MOE) in evening. One problem with most malls in Dubai is their lack of  seating arrangement for shoppers who pour out a third of their money here. MOE being one such mall. I engaged in some more retail therapy while my brother caught the 'Banana's in Pyjama's show' (I gotta admit those banana's were rather cute!) followed by an acrobatic performance  all part of the mall's line for DSS. Both of these lasted 30 mins each leaving most parents who had to lift their kids up for them to catch a glimpse of the performance completely exhuatsed. The lack of any kind of arrangement for people to sit and enjoy the show was a total buzz kill. All the while I had to wait in a few more lines to give away money.

We took a breather at a famous French Bakery called Paul, which given the noise in the mall was not very relaxing either. Their hot chocolate on the other hand hit the right tones of bitterness for me. The chocolate and strawberry cake was a little heavy though.  Soon after we made a bee line towards the exit, and made our way to the Dubai Marina. With the hunger pangs ringing all around, Chinese was the cuisine of choice. Another fall back of the weekend was that there was only out door seating available, though comfortable by the warm sea breeze the smell of sheesha and cigarettes filling the air was not fun. The warm, delicious food put everything else in the backdrop as my chopstick made way for Crunchy spinach chicken followed by a tangy Sai Woo chicken. With a content tummy and walk by the marina all I craved was to lay back on my couch and watch good o'l tv and that is exactly what I did!

The third day of the weekend was a day for relaxing and recovering with a drive at the Bur Dubai creek in the morning a some more shopping in the evening (this time the que's were smaller) I came home to a cozy dinner, a sick brother and sister in law and thus ending the long weekend.

The moral of this story: Go out of the city for long weekends, be prepared to face crowds almost everywhere you go. Burjuman is one of the best malls for relaxing where there are sofa every few feet for shoppers to relax where as in most other malls you will have to sit in coffee shops of the food court to catch a breadth. Most important when there is a holiday, catch up on your sleep or you will fall sick like my family.


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